Free Facilitator’s Guide


The Healthcare Adventures™ Graphic Gameplan for Patient Safety – A Facilitator’s Guide.


Why this guide?

The Healthcare Adventures™ Graphic Gameplan for Patient Safety introduces quality improvement facilitators, patient safety advocates and healthcare leaders to a tool that allows them to map out – quickly and with relative ease – projects that produce better care, build teams and enhance productivity.

Who is this guide for?

This tool has the potential to engage people at the top, middle, and bottom of an organization.

  • A senior leader would authorize use of the tool and be the executive sponsor. People at the top of healthcare systems have problems brought to them or go looking for them. An executive is likely to be a participant in the Gameplan process bringing his or her point of view.

  • The person who is facilitating would likely be a quality improvement specialist or patient safety specialist, probably an internal resource, who thinks about project management a lot and is used to convening groups of people and would be willing to step up and perform that role.

  • Clinical people – from a range of different levels and functions – would make up most of the team analyzing the situation and identifying the steps in the project process.

The first part of the Facilitator’s Guide presents the theory, which might be more useful for the executive, and the second part presents the how to, in support of the hands-on facilitator.

Does it work?

The Healthcare Adventures™ Graphic Gameplan tool was developed while working with patient safety improvement teams at Boston’s renowned Mass General Hospital. Here are some reactions from team members who have used the Gameplan.

“I have loved using the Gameplan. Our project is going really well, at the speed of light. People have taken the bull by the horns in their roles now that they know what they are.” (Pediatrics Team Member)

“We had a baseline rate of 78% compliance with target. As a result of this discussion, we focused. In our last measurement, compliance was 94%, maybe higher.” (Obstetrics Team Member)

What are Healthcare Adventures?

Healthcare Adventures™ (HCA) are customized, intensive team-training workshops for leadership and management teams across the healthcare spectrum offered by Boston’s Center for Medical Simulation. Designed to improve individual and team performance by developing collaboration and communication, HCA workshops use a simulated patient experience in a highly realistic clinical environment to highlight a team’s dynamics in a powerful, but non-threatening, fashion. Even non-clinicians get the chance to care for a patient and experience real-life issues first-hand, while clinicians are challenged to think like healthcare administrators and executives.  Guided by an organizational behavior specialist, teams also advance a real team project, often using the Graphic Gameplan.